Jeotest Uluslararası Dış Ticaret & Servis Hız Bilimsel Test Cihazları Sanayi Tic. Ltd. Şti. kurulduğu ilk günden bu yana inşaat sektöründe; zemin mekaniği, asfalt, beton, kaya mekaniği ve yapı malzemeleri (tuğla, kiremit, briket, alçı, vb.) kalite kontrol test laboratuvarları için, ileri teknolojiyi ve kaliteli hizmeti birlikte kullanarak bir dünya markası olmuştur.
EN 12697-35
Product code
JAS- 001 Bituminous Mixture Tests
JAS- 001/1 Mixing Bowl 5 lt.
JAS- 001/2 Mixing Whisk.
The 5 liter capacity mixer is designed for mixing of samples to be used for mechanical test as for example compaction, indirect tensile, Marshall etc. The bituminous mix must be prepared at prescribed temperature for this reason the mixer can equipped with thermostatically controlled heater. The mixing head rotates in the 11 different speed positions from 10 to 240 r.p.m. and the beater from 20 to 480 r.p.m. The user can choose speeds easily by using switch fitted to the machine. The mixer is made of stainless steel and supplied complete with 5lt capacity bowl and the beater.